1. Practice proper
running form:
POSTURE. - The physics of running favors
running "fall" to maintain a high center of mass.
The back should be concave with the chest out, shoulders
directly above the hips, and the chin slightly tucked.
Have the class run down-and-back, approximately
100-meters, practicing running with a tall, upright posture
with no forward or backward lean or slumped shoulders.
ARMS: The arms set the cadence
for the legs and should move forward-and-back bent
at a constant 90-dogres angle. Hands should be cupped,
thumbs ups, and moves slightly across the chest towards
the navel. The shoulders should stay "square" and
not swing forward and back, or shrug.
Have the class run down-and-bar-k, approximately 100-meters,
practicing proper arm-action.
FOOTSTRIKE. The foot should strike the ground
net in what is called a 'mid-stance position.' The heel
makes contact, but the weight should be forward towards
the ball of the foot, not back towards the heel.
Have the class run down-and-back, approximately 100 motors,
practicing proper foot-strike mechanics.