Riding bus home

Moderator: George Payan

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Riding bus home

Post by ccwilly »

Do you require your athletes to ride the bus home after a meet/game? Why or why not.
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Post by George Payan »

Yes, all athletes have to ride the bus home after a meet. There is a liability issue. A coach can be sued because of an alleged failure to meet one of his/her coaches duties: One of those duties "properly supervising athletes at all times". As a coach you should check out all policies of the program that you coach with your Athletic Director.

Establish training rules that not only include the standard items such as the avoidance of alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc., but also include rules about transportation. Go over the rules with the athletes especially riding on the bus and coming back on the bus. Learn to say no if an athlete wants to go who knows where after the competition. Saying no is the hardest word in the coaches vocabulary.

If there is no policy in releasing athletes after the meet. Prior to the meet have the parent come in to the Athletic Director's office and sign a consent form for their son or daughter to be release and be pickup by them. I would make that an exception if the parent talks to the Athletic Director in person. If the Athletic Director releases the athlete to the parent to take their son or daughter home after the competition and that also includes other athletes cannot go home with that parent. That should release you from liability and being sued.
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