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Basketball Conditioning

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:29 am
by Enghk
I've been playing basketball since high school, organized and pick-up. Recently I seem to be getting injured more and more on my lower body (i.e. knees, foot arch, achilles tendon, etc.). It's beginning to wear on me mentally. I feel afraid of going all out and getting hurt, thus I am under-performing on the court. I strength train regularly at my local gym at least 3 times a week. What exercises will help me strengthen my lower body and also help me improve my game?

Basketball Conditioning

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 3:38 pm
by George Payan
When you compete in basketball games, you are physically demanding 100% of your body. If you are breaking down in the game, it is because you are not physically in condition. You need to condition yourself before you can give 100% in the game.

The three days a week that you strength train, you should not play basketball games. Start with alternating strength training and playing basketball. This will allow your body to recover. On the same day you strength train, also do speed work for conditioning. This should be the same type of workout that would be done by a sprinter.

Go to the Coaching button on the web site. There is a strength training article with an 18 week strength training program with exercises. Follow this program. It will help you gain strength and prevent injuries.

For now you will have to put more time into conditioning than in playing basketball games to accomplish your goal.

Coach Payan