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Is There Another Method To Improve Performance?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:18 pm
by George Payan
In the VO2MAX In Distance Running topic it was mentioned to increase mileage and intensity to improve VO2MAX. Is there another method to improve performance?

Running Economy

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:28 pm
by George Payan
Running economy is another method of improving performance. Running economy is defined as using as little oxygen as possible for the running movement at a quality pace. Two excellent ways to improve running economy:

Hill Training
Forces the body to exert more power while running at the same pace. This can improve running economy 4-5% in 12 weeks, 2 times per week, 200 meters at 5K pace.

Running faster than 5K pace.
This also works on improving running economy. The intervals should be run at 4-5 seconds per 440 faster than the athlete's 5K pace. Do not worry about the recovery. You can allow a long recovery.

During some part of your overall program, there should be a 4-6 week period for working on running economy. Of the 10 quality workouts, 6 would be running economy workouts. The remaining 4 workouts would be split between VO2MAX and threshold workouts.

Coach Payan