Training the core

Moderator: George Payan

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Training the core

Post by kwhitney »

What are some ideas to strengthen the core of athletes in season for athletes on the track
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Post by George Payan »

Core work and abdominal work it is referred to the torso. Torso is intended to apply to all of the muscles in the midsection. The rectus abdominus, the obliques, the quadratus lumborum, the spinal erectors and to a great deal the glutes and hamstrings. You can't talk about training the torso without talking about training the spinal erectors and, you can and should train the spinal erectors in conjunction with the glutes and hamstrings.

Torso training should be done at the beginning of the resistive workout. Train the abdominals and obliques at the beginning of the workout and establish the torso as a key area in training. The best torso work is done in a sport specific position standing up. This means medicine ball work is the best overall torso exercise. The best results are using the medicine balls working twice per week in place of conventional ab work.

For further information on torso training "Torso Training Manual 2000" written by Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning M-F Athletic 1-800-556-7464.
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