Youth Athletes and Needed Breaks

Moderator: George Payan

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Youth Athletes and Needed Breaks

Post by Deuce90 »

I am involved with a youth track club, ages 6-18. I have noticed that there are teams in the region that have great success and have "year long running". These teams compete and practice for indoor, outdoor and cross country with very few breaks between seasons.

Our team is a little less aggressive. While we participate in all three seasons, we usually have a month off between seasons, compared to the others that seem to continue to practice.

What is the recommended break time for young athletes? I must admit the other teams are far better athletes, but I am wondering how much practice is too much at the younger ages.

Thank you.
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Transition Period

Post by George Payan »

When the competition period is over, the next period is the restorative or transition period. Some athletes take between 2 to 4 weeks off, but all athletes should take at least 2 weeks off in order to be well rested and injury free. In some cases it will take longer for an athlete to fully recover. The athletes will know when they are recovered and they will let you know when they are ready.

Practice can be 45 minutes to 1-1/2 hours depending on what the workout goals are for that day. If an athlete starts breaking down with technique or during practice then this athlete might need more rest. Some athletes will need double the rest during practice.

The rest period is an example of where individualized training is important and the coach should be aware of this. Within group training there is also individualized training.

Coach Payan
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