Workout program at home

Moderator: George Payan

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Workout program at home

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Hi Coach,

I just had a baby 4 mths ago. I want to start working out again. But with a new baby. I find it hard to go to the gym. Can you please help me set up a workout program for home? Also I need to know what I need to do about good eating program too. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

Ivy Rune :D
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Workout Program At Home

Post by George Payan »

Go to the home page of the web site and click on "New Articles" then click on "Strength Training Workouts For Runners" by George Payan. Scroll down until you see General Conditioning Program with 1 to 24 workouts.

Workout 1 is 1 set of 15 repetitions. Workout 1 is day 1, workout 2 is day 2, etc. For the exercises scroll up on this article until you see Day 1 with the exercise, Day 2, etc.

For about the cost of an annual health club membership, you can set up your home gym with a set of dumbbells and an exercise bench. The space required is minimal, only taking up a few square feet. Using dumbbells is a great way to strength train because the workout is as good as using a series of expensive machines and anyone can do it!

To set up a program you should establish goals. Set specific and realistic goals. Exercise each muscel group 2-4 times per week. A workout session should take 30-45 minutes (less time at the beginning). Movements should be slow and controlled. Do not sacrifice proper form to lift heavier weight or perform more repetitions.

Allow a brief pause between sets to give the muscles a chance to partially recover before working them again. Never hold your breath during any part of an exercise. Exhale on exertion and inhale on the return part of the exercise. Always try to work the larger muscle groups first. Pick out 1 exercise per body part. The goal is to fatigue your muscles within the last few repetitions of the second and third set.

As a beginner, the General Conditioning Program (1-24) is recommended. For the first week perform the exercises with very light weights, 1 or 2 lbs. This will help you develop proper form. The objective is to lift as much weight as possible. Challenge your body by increasing the workload as the exercises become easier.

If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Eat protein in every meal. You need .5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Take in 250 grams of carbohydrates daily in vegetables an fruits. See the Wellness section of the web site for other healthy food choices.

If you have any other questions please post them on this forum.

Coach George Payan
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