Soccer Player and Strength Training

Moderator: George Payan

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bill r

Soccer Player and Strength Training

Post by bill r »

I have a female soccer player that lifts in the gym. She is afraid of getting to big. How can approach her to have her gain more interest in working out?
George Payan
Posts: 404
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Strength Training

Post by George Payan »

Resistance exercise helps females create lean, toned bodies. The belief that strength training will make females bigger is a common myth. Strength training is very complicated and you have to understand the principles of recovery and adaptation which is how to promote muscle growth.

In a training program, one of the three energy systems dominates while the other two systems are still working but have less influence. All three energy systems exerting equal influence seldom occurs in a training session.

To promote muscle growth you have to exert all three energy systems. A specific sport will focus on one dominating energy system. Most likely, the focus will be on the endurance and/or strength energy system(s). Females should actually be concerned about not having enough muscle rather than too much.

Coach Payan
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