How Old for 400m-400mH Training ?

Moderator: George Payan

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How Old for 400m-400mH Training ?

Post by Maya »

I am French. I hope you understand me.

I know a girl athlete (she is 17 years old). The trainer wants her training for 400m-400mH with very difficult interval. Other trainers say she is too young for this event and she must continue the 100m (100m H)-200m event for another 1-2 years.

What is your opinion? Is 17 years old too young for 400m-400mH or not?

Thanks for you reponse.
George Payan
Posts: 409
Joined: Thu Sep 05, 2002 9:07 am

Training Age

Post by George Payan »

In the United Stated female athletes run the 300m hurdles in high school. They start at 13-14 years of age. Female athletes do not run the 400m hurdles until they reach the college or university levels.

Here is an analogy to follow. The 100-200 meter sprinter is trained as a 100 meter sprinter. The concept is to break the 100 meter down and to master all the skills necessary to be a 100 meter runner. As you are mastering the skills, speed endurance is added to the training. Speed endurance develops the sprinter to run the 200 meters.

For a 300 meter hurdler, the same principle is applied. Spend your training time on technique for the 100 meter hurdles. Over time, add speed endurance workouts so the athlete will have the lactate tolerance endurance to finish the 300 meter race.

The other trainers probably feel she should be fundamentally sound in technique and as fast as possible before moving on to the 400m-400mH programs. Her trainer could feel she can reach more success in the 400m-400mH. You might want to take a look at the history of these trainers to see which are producing the successful athletes.

Coach Payan
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